Finalist in the NASA allgo competition. Semi-inflatable crane for the Artemis moon missions. Placed 5th out of 132, and the only Canadian.

The Scrollcrane was designed for a 2021 challenge. The requirements were for a small rover that can reflect light into permanently dark (and radiation shielded) craters

Entry for a 2021 hydrogen design challenge. Created as a replacement for thousands of expiring diesel generators in northern Canada. Modeled in Fusion360, rendered in blender, and uploaded to GRABCAD for anyone to download and improve on.

Entry for a computer mouse design challenge. Designed in AutoCAD, animation done in Blender.

Second year 2019 capstone project. Study of modeling, storyboarding, texturing, animation, lighting, rendering, sound design, and post processing effects, using a 3D modeled spacecraft.

Designed in Fusion360, Rendered in Blender. This ship was created for a VR game, which needed a realistic cockpit. Untextured